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Best Free Website Builder

  • WebnodeWebnode is designed for you to easily build and maintain a website from anywhere online. It's convenient to use with builder tools, drag-and-drop functionality, ready-made gadgets and widgets, and has no intrusive advertisement banner occupying the precious space of your webpage.
  • WixWix allows you to create great-looking flash-based websites easily. Just register, click on a template and start editing. You can change the text, pictures and about everything else, create as many pages and edit them as often as you wish. (Review)

Best Free Website Template Designer

  • Cool TemplateCool Template "is really very clever indeed. You can change the number of columns, the menus, text, colours, position of content blocks, and just about everything else. When you're done, choose whether you want your finished page downloaded as HTML/CSS files or other templates." (Review)

Best Free Web Hosting

  • ByetByet provides you with a free hosting service for your web sites without forced advertisements. It features 5.5 GB disk space, 200 GB monthly traffic and a useful control panel to add domains, upload files via an online file manager, create databases, check websites usage, etc.

Best Free Domain Name Checker

  • KnowEmKnowEm, "type in the name you want to use, and the site instantly tells you whether the domain name is available in various countries, and whether it's already in use on any of around 50 different social networking sites(Review)

Online HTML Editor, simple and easy to use, just edit html codes in an expandable box provided and see the live results in another. One-click opening and closing tags are included.


Best Free HTML Tools

  • WordOffWordOff, a useful web tool to remove unnecessary tags and styles from HTML code as a result of pasting into WYSIWYG editors from Word. For example, <span>, <div> and empty elements are removed.
  • Text FixerText Fixer offers a raft of tools including Convert Word to HTML, Text to HTML helpful for editing web pages. Remove Line Breaks also comes in handy if you want to copy and paste text from a web site, email or anywhere without unwanted line breaks. 

Best Free PHP Editor

  • PHPanywherePHPanywhere, a real-time PHP code editor with syntax highlighting, indentation, code folding, unlimited redo and undo on client side, completes with an FTP explorer and other features such as using projects, setting file permissions and more.

Best Free Pastebin

  •, a paste tool established since 2002 for you to upload snippets of text and code with syntax highlighting for easy sharing. You can set the post for private or public access within a certain period of time you defined, with more options available.

Best Free Color Picker

  • ColorExplorerColorExplorer gives you color codes in RGB, HSV and Hex instantly when you choose a color from the vertical slider or color square. You can also choose colors from Libraries or save your picked colors to your Palettes.

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